Here are the ingredients:
40 Size 1 diapers (1 Pack)
20 diapers for the bottom layer, 13 for the middle layer and 7 for the top layer
20 diapers for the bottom layer, 13 for the middle layer and 7 for the top layer
(I use Pampers Swaddlers because the new baby deserves the best!)
3 thin rubber bands
3 baby blankets 30" x 30" approx
Pins - Pearl head pins are the best! (not shown in this tutorial)
I cardboard tube 11" long and 1.5"-2" diameter
(I used an old paper towel tube just for this tutorial BUT please go buy a new one from a craft store)
Flowers for decoration
Lots of Ribbon of your choice!
Scissors, wire cutter (to cut the flowers), and a cake stand!
To wrap it as a gifts you will need tulle and a cardboard cake round.
Step 1: Place the diapers just like in the image below. Notice the direction I am placing diapers.
Do the same for all 3 cake pans and place a rubber band around each one and make sure all diapers are evenly distributed.
How many diapers needed?
20 {bottom} 13 {middle} 7 {top}
How many diapers needed?
20 {bottom} 13 {middle} 7 {top}
Bottom layer:
Fold blanket in half and align the biggest diaper layer just like in the picture below.
Fold the blanket around the cake layer! (diaper wheel)
Fold about 1/2 inch to hide the edge of the blanket (optional). Secure with a pin right where my thumb is at. See the pin below? I didn't have a pearl head pin. The one in the picture is hard to see.
Align the blanket and ...
...and place another pin to the upper side.
Middle layer:
Fold the blanket about 4" until you have about 6-8 inches left unfolded. Makes sense? anyway you will see why. Place the wheel in the middle just like in the picture below. Iron the blanket edges if needed.
Fold the blanket around it just like the bottom layer and pin it! I liked the the edge of this blanket so I left it the way it was.
So what do you do with the rest of the fabric? you tuck it in the middle hole! Just like that! Try to make it as neat and smooth as possible. I am sure you can do better than mine :D
Top layer:
Fold the blanket all the way to about 4.5" width. Wrap around the diapers and pin it! Iron the edges if needed. I do it :)
Just like this!
Place the bottom layer and middle layer on top of each other and insert the cardboard tube from the top. At this point if your fabric doesn't look smooth fix it!
Add the top layer and add the ribbon of your choice
Make sure the back is aligned. All 3 layers and the edges should align.
Makes sense? look at the picture below.
I also secured the ribbons with pins too. The pearls on top of the bottom layer were tucked in the back. I keep it simple :)
Add some flowers to the top in between the diapers.
Approx measurements are:
13" high without the flowers on top.
15" high with the flowers on top
Bottom layer circumference measures 28"
Middle layer circumference measures 24"
Top layer circumference measures 18"
(all approx measurements)
Thank you!
Completely awesome. If you were going to sell these how much would you charge?
Замечательный тортик!
BTW I just nominated you for a Liebster Award. All you need to do is go to my link & follow the directions! :D
Because of you BabyLuvsCakes was born. Sharing your motorcycle instructions inspired me to try and I now do something I love. Thank you
I love your diaper cake styles! The elephant on the motorcycle is outstanding. Kudos to your award.
Baby Shower Diaper Cakes
Super super beautiful. I was in awe!!!! Stunning :)
great tutorial.. im making a diaper cake today and this is very useful! thanks for sharing :)
Your tutorial helped me make my diaper cake today. I like the way it looks with the blankets wrapped around it. I don't have the pans so what I do is rubber band a few together (4-6 at a time rather than roll each individual diaper) and wrapped 5 bundles together with elastic cording.
Thanks for sharing this tutorial! I am going to try and make and sell them on my baby gift store: http://alldiapercakes.com
I just wanted to leave a quick thank you! After conceiving my son in 2011 I decided to become a work at home mom creating Unique Diaper Cakes
Unique Diaper Cakes and launched my own baby gift store. Thanks again for your amazing inspiration!!
Thanks so much for sharing! I wanted to have a diaper cake for my daughter in law's shower but couldn't find one I liked. Then I found this. It's so well done compared to others :) I am having a wonderful time tonight putting hers together!
Thanks so much for sharing! I wanted to have a diaper cake for my daughter in law's shower but couldn't find one I liked. Then I found this. It's so well done compared to others :) I am having a wonderful time tonight putting hers together!
Instead of a roll, you could take paper shopping bags and roll them up. I will be making my first one shortly! Thanks! (new grama here, folks are giving us lots of diapers, great way to use them for gifts. Never can have too many receiving blankets/ burp cloths.) Jaxgrama
Thanks so much for the tutorial! I just made my first diaper cake and it turned out beautifully! I hope you don't mind that I shared a link to your instructions in my blog! http://cadwelling.blogspot.com/
Thanks so much for this idea, making a similar one with my own creativity! but I like yours for elegance!! :)
I have been making these for a while and you can make flowers out of tiny socks and put a toy or bear on the top to malke it different from the flowers.
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I love the clean look to your blankets! So nice. Thank you very much for sharing this. I scored a gorgeous diaper cake online (perfect in every way, if it only weren't pink). So I will be trying your method tonight when I convert the cake into something worthy of a little prince. Many thanks!!
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